Thursday, April 15, 2021

Blog Post #8

 The Cassette Tape

    In all of the presentations I thought that all of the technology was very well explained and they all had some very interesting information attached to them, but the one that I found very interesting was the cassette tape. Carly Zimmerman explain the cassette tape to the class and had some fun facts along with the basic information. I've always been a big fan of music and video so this invention to lead up to what we have today was very important to me. 

    The cassette was invented in 1962 by the Phillips Company, released originally in Europe on a Berlin radio show. It was finally released in the United States in November of 1963. Videocassettes were available to the public in the 1970s and the cassettes specifically for film were a lot bigger in order to hold more data on them. The walkman boosted the success of the cassette tape in 1979 because it was the new and improved way to listen to music in a portable way. The life span of the tape on the inside of an audio tape could last any where from 10-30 years. They were able to create the first magazine on tape using cassette tapes which was another start to the audiobook. Sadly it peaked in the late 80s when it was surpassed by the CD in the 90s. You can still find them in today's society in court recordings and some recorded music but they are challenging to find. The cassette tape was an amazing invention that boosted the portable music and film industry, and along with many other inventions they will go down in history. 

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Final Blog Post

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