Thursday, April 15, 2021

Blog Post #7

 The Progressive Era: Antiwar Voices 

    I believe that these websites are hard to find these antiwar voices because they are speaking out against the government and what they are doing in terms of war and decisions that our government is making regarding relations with other countries and within our own country.  The fact that we have the first amendment and that the government can't necessarily silence the voices of these people, they try to hide these voices as much as possible making it hard to find websites that speak out against the war decisions of the leaders in our country. The people speak out against the war because war is putting the American people and our country in danger due to the fact that the rich people in power don't know how to solve conflicts in any other way other than violence. They are taking people from their families and friends to fight others for things that could be settled peacefully. The antiwar voices are being hidden and silenced in a way in order to show other countries that our country is a united front even though the people in charge only care about themselves.  These people were also against wars for the economic purposes and how the country was putting their money and resources into the wrong things, instead of helping better our country, they are putting more money into weapons. The country is in enough debt that more war is the lat thing that the US needs. The people in power know that these are all valid reasons to not have a war but they don't care so instead of listening to the American people they silence them and burry their feelings so that they can go on without protest and the spreading of these antiwar thoughts. 

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