Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blog Post #11


    Privacy is supposed to be the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people but the government these days has a very different definition for it. For example all of the pop-up ads on social media and on the internet. Every time we click on one of those ads or look something up online, the government has document of it. They want to know where we live, how old we are, what we look like, what we like, and what we dislike. They take all of this information and then use it to get us to share more later on, for example if you go online shopping for new shoes and then you see shoe ads pop up on your computer everywhere for a couple days after. 

    The government will go to great lengths to get their hands on your personal information because they want total control even though we are a "free country". Having control is so important to the government that they can go to crazy lengths to get them, for example they put some devices in children's toys like talking dolls in order to listen into your house hold and record information that is happening in the house. They then have a bigger control over people then they might initially think. It is a scary concept of the fact that due to the advancement in technology, they are using this to sneak their ways into our lives and control us from behind the technology. This lesson made me really think about all of the things that we do on our computers and phones and makes me want to be more cautious about what I am doing online and what websites and/or people that I give my information to. 

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