Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Blog Post #5

In the Age of AI 

    I thought that this documentary was very interesting in learning about AI and embrace the new tech that is coming in to the world. China is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. The President Xi Jinping says that China is going to catch up to the United States in artificial intelligence by 2025 and be past us by 2030. By feeding these programs mass amounts of data and if it has a specific goal then this technology could assess problems, make predictions, and  create a solution for that problem. Some of the things that really surprised me was them talking about how they think that this technology can help solve the problems in cancer diagnosis and other diseases to help people of all kinds. It is a more elaborate and creative computer mind that will be able to look and assess things in different ways. 

    The fears that the AI technology is bringing up in people is the problem of privacy. The AI technology requires a facial recognition system and it also has a reward and consequence system based off of "social credit" in order to create a complete surveillance country. Another thing is that they think it is going to split the countries between the China and American technology and create a technological Cold War. When it comes to technology this advanced, it is going to make people very competitive in who thinks of what first.  This documentary explains the good and the bad things about this technology and shows that the future of this world is going to something we have never seen before. 


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