Saturday, March 27, 2021

Blog Post #3

What Makes a Good Blog Post: My favorite of the 8 Speech Theories 

  Individual Self- Fulfillment

    C. Edwin Baker made this theory to say that the freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves and how they feel on the subject matter. It allows people to share their own identity and ideas with the rest of the world, it is what makes each human different based on their values and opinions. By being able to share what they really feel they may also find people with similar values and beliefs which connects people in a different way. Connecting with people and being your own person is a big part of what makes the world run because if everyone was the same, there would be no real purpose to life. I think that this is one of the important ones of the 8 speech theories because when you are writing a blog, it should be your own space to express yourself. It should be a place for your imagination to run wild and make it anything you want it to be and in order to do that freedom of speech plays a big part in that so that we, as Americans, can have that liberty to make it give any message that we chose. It is a a right that plays a part of our human dignity, human agency, and autonomy. This day and age is all about self- expression and not being a afraid to show who your really are and the terms of freedom of speech is what we are able to use to express this and so it is very important when it comes to today's society. 

Promote Innovation 

    Jack Balkin is the maker of this theory and it says that a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be more energized, creative, and interesting society because the people within this society will be able to actively fulfill themselves in many diverse ways. I believe that this one and the self fulfillment theories are both very important to making a good blog because self expression is something that cannot be concealed and buried. By feeling open to be yourself it creates a happier life for yourself and it promotes it in other people as well in getting them to show their true selves. If the entire community around you showing their true selves with no judgement or reservations then everyone is more likely to be happy and the world will be a better place lower depression rates. In a blog it is not only about the individualized format and creative sides to it but it is also about the content. When someone is writing about something that they are passionate about it automatically elevates the writing and gives the audience a more interesting piece to read so having the ability of freedom of speech gives people an outlet to spread happiness and spread their views to not only connect with others but also try and get other people to do that same. Being able to express myself is very important to me and growing up we were always taught to not hide your true self and these both represent that and so being yourself should come first. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Blog Post #2

 Introduction to the Supreme Court 


    The Supreme Court was established in 1789 by Article 3 of the United States Constitution. The legislative branch first act of duty was the Judiciary Act of 1789, which specified that the court would be made up of 6 justices who would serve until they died or retired. It was set to the first assembly on February 1, 1790 but didn't actually get held until the next day due to traffic keeping some of the justices from getting there. They actually didn't hear any cases their first term, and the first decision on a case was made on August 3, 1791 in the West vs Barnes case. 

Supreme Court Justices

    The Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President and either confirmed or denied by the Senate. The first Supreme Court was made up of Chief Justice John Jay, and Associate Justice's John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson. The Chief Justice is responsible for presiding over the Supreme Court and setting an agenda at meetings. They also presides over trail of impeachment against the President in the Senate including our latest President Donald Trump's hearing. 


    The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the country and the head of the Judicial branch of government. Under the US Constitution the Supreme Court has ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United States and is responsible for evaluating the constitutionality of those laws. The Supreme Court also has the power to check the work of the other branches of government. It serves our country as a way to ensure that the changing views of a majority does not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blog Post #1

My Top 5 Sources of News 


    I live in Baltimore, Maryland and one our main news channels in WBAL TV 11 News. It is the main source of news that I get from the television rather than any other TV news channel. This is a good source of news because it will keep my updated about the things happening in my neighborhood and around me in my city. I have always gotten my news from here and my high school has been shown on this news channel before. It is a very local news channel but still reliable in Baltimore. 


    CNN is my main source of information when I am online. I sometimes go and watch the little news videos to catch up on some of the main topics in the world today. I used CNN to help me find information on some of the Presidential election and the capital riots when they were happening. I also used it to find information for a research paper that I had to do for my english class on the Black Lives Matter movement and it helped me find a lot of useful stories to incorporate. 

Fox News 

    I watch fox news on television and I read it online. This is a main source of where I get my news from because it shares news from all over the country so unlike WBAL, I can get news that isn't just local to me. Sometimes it has been known that Fox News can give false information but for the most part it is reliable and I make sure to fact check the stories before I use them in any form of school assignment, but it is a fun source of news if I am just trying to stay up to date with the world. 

The New York Times 

    New York Times is another great source that I use for assignments in school, like for my research project, or my analytical essay in my english class. It gives good and reliable information. It gives good information on the majority of the major things happening in the world, including the statistics on the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine. It is one. of my favorite things to read because of all the interesting topics and it presents it in and it is easy to understand. 


      As a teenager in the 21st century, social media is a very prominent source of news in my life and can provide me with knowledge on a topic in a different way. I am on social media majority of the day when I am on my phone and Instagram has become an outlet where memes and stories come out on social media in a very approachable and absorbable way. This and snapchat stories is where I get most of my news when it comes to social media. 


Final Blog Post

My Relationship with Technology      While it is sad to say, Generation Z is probably the last generation to know what life was like before ...